FEBRUARY 22, 2012
Present: Brian Mattiello, Chairman; Paul Summers, Secretary; Gerry Carbone; Jennifer
Ives-Groebl; Gary Mercier: Cleveland Fuessenich and Brett Simmons,
Superintendent of Parks and Recreation (ex-officio members)
Not Present: Collin Good, Chris Cook, Jack FitzGerald, Mary Coutant (all excused),
Brian began the meeting at 6:31 pm.
1. Approval of minutes: Gary made a motion to approve the minutes of the September
26, 2011 meeting which was seconded by Gerry and passed unanimously. Gerry
made a motion to approve the minutes of the July 26, 2011 meeting which was
seconded by Jenn and passed unanimously.
2. Discussion of new sound system: Brett reported that 6 bids had been received and
will be reviewed. Brian made a motion to authorize up to $12,000 for the purchase
and installation of a new sound system for the park. The motion was seconded by
Jenn and passed unanimously.
3. Discussion of conceptual plans: Gerry raised the issue that the Titans had not paid
the 50% of the signage receipts to the commission. Brian will follow up with the
Titans. The commission discussed the conceptual plans prepared by Fuss & O’Neill
at the request of the commission and also the Parks and Recreation Commission. The
commission also discussed that after the payment of $12,000 for the new sound
system, the commission is authorized to spend an additional $28,000 this year. The
commission agreed to spend that amount this year. The commission reviewed priority
items for the park based on the conceptual plans and possible areas where costs could
be saved. Gerry made a motion to obtain cost estimates for improvements in the area
marked Area 3 on the conceptual plans prepared by Fuss & O’Neill. The motion was
seconded by Jenn and passed unanimously.
5. Next Meeting: Thursday March 22, 2012 at 6:30 pm
6. Adjournment: A motion to adjourn was made by Gerry, seconded by Gary and
passed unanimously at 7:39 pm.
Paul Summers